Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Free Falling

1) I chose this video because it was short and informational.

2) This video is better than others because it is short and has enough information to understand free falling.

3) If I were to make a video on free falling I would make it short with enough information to understand the concept of free falling.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Spaghetti Tower


3) 82cm was our towers final height.

4) Our current design is excellent, one thing I dislike about it would be the foundation. The foundation could have been more sturdy.

5) The biggest challenge we faced was constructing the middle part of the tower, we overcame that by working slowly and carefully.

6) If I had the opportunity to redesign our tower I would just make it better in general, by spending more money on more tape to make it more sturdy. Right now it's pretty minimalistic.

1) I felt pretty good during this activity it was a challenge but nothing to hard.

2) Our design was pretty different to everyone else in the class. It was small while everyone else went big.

3) If I could choose a material to add to the mix I would add hot glue, even though that might make things too easy.

4) I shared building and buying responsibilities.